Game 1
Bean bag relay
Equipment used
3 Pylons and an assortment of bean bags
Age group intended
Grade 1 to 5
First person in the team puts to bean bags on his feet and walk to the cone and come back give the bean bags to the next guy and he would do the same. Then when the line gets back to the first person he would then put the bean bag on his head and walk to the cone and back and then pass it on to the next guy and so on and so forth. Finally, for the last pylon, the person would pick up a bean bag and throw and try and hit the pylon which would end the race.
Change the length of the course
Add different rules
Bigger targets
Skills that you were working on
Spatial awareness
Team work
Game 2
Team dodge ball
Equipment used
Blanket, bucket, and a soft ball
Age group intended
Grade 5 to 7
Everyone grabs a spot on the blanket while one guy has a bucket in his hand. One person is it with the ball and he has to try and hit the guy with the bucket while all the other players try to protect him. Once the guy with the bucket gets hit he gives the bucket to someone else and then him and the thrower trade spots.
Different size blanket
More buckets
More throwers
Skills that you were working on
Team work
Comment on any things that you liked or disliked/frustrated working within your groups.
We were a group of five so the teams were uneven and not everyone came up with ideas for each station but overall good group.
How difficult is it when people do not contribute to the ideas of the group? How would you encourage students who may be shy or withdrawn to contribute?