Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tactical Problem for Net/Wall Games

Tactical problem – winning the point

In this activity players will be learning the power shot in badminton.  Two players are needed in this game each on either side of the net.  One player will serve the shuttle cock high in the air over the net and then the opposing player then hits the shuttle cock with a powerful but accurate swing.  The shuttle cock must land in the court or no point is rewarded.

This activity will demonstrate serve location.  On one side of the net will be a player with the shuttle cock in the serving position and location. On the other side will be a holla-hoop and the object is to serve the shuttle cock into that round target to get a point.  You can compete between you and other players to reach a certain amount of points, decided before the game by the players or teacher.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Tactical Problem for a Target Game

Tactical problem – aiming at targets to score
Each player must stand behind a line and throw a bean bag at a target which has holes each representing points.  The furthest away would be worth 3 points, the middle worth 2, and the closest 1.  The point of the game is to reach 21 points before the other player does.

Each player has a bow and a set of arrows.  Each player must take turns shooting their arrows at a target depending on where they hit the target determines the amount of points they will receive.  The target has five rings the middle is worth 5, next 4, then 3, 2, and then the outside ring worth 1 point.  The objective is to reach a certain amount of points before the other player does. The amount of points one must go up to is determined before the game starts by the players.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Evaluator                                                      Class  ________________________________
Game     3 vs. 3  Volleyball               
Observation Dates     a)                              b)                            c)                             d)                            e)                    
Levels of Performance
4 = Very Effective Performance: almost always observable
3 = Effective Performance: usually observable
2 = Moderately Effective Performance: observable in more than half of the student's attempts
1 = Weak Performance: observable in less than half of the student's attempts

Game Components
1.   Skill Execution:      The student passes the ball accurately (ball reaches the intended target) when serve
                                        receiving and serves the ball in court when serving.
2.   Decision Making:  The student uses the correct skill at the correct time (forearm pass on 1st touch;
                                        overhead volley on 2nd touch; hitting action on 3rd touch).
3.   Cover:                      The front row player remains on the net in blocking position when the ball is on the
                                        opposite side of the net; the back row players are in a low defensive position ready to  receive a ball that is returned.

Directions:     Observe the selected player(s) for 3-5 minutes, observing only performance related to the
                        above game components.  After the observation period, give each player a score from 1-5 on
                        each component.

Skill Execution
Decision Making





This game performance assessment instrument is designed for volleyball players who are trying to improve thier passing, serving, and striking technique.  This assessment records the amount of efficient/appropriate skill execusion, decisions, and the players adjustments.  It also records the amount of inefficient/inappropriate skill execusion, decisions, and the players adjustments.  Recording the amount of efficient and inefficient tasks will allow the players to become more efficient when performing a task.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tactical games for soccer stars

Tactical Problem – Creating Space (Soccer)

Piggy in the middle
                Three people are needed in a group for this game.  Two people play pass while the other person tries to capture the ball.  The person trying to receive the ball needs to find open space so the passer can make a pass accurately.  The whole point of this game is to stay out of the middle.

Lawn Darts
                Players try to chip their soccer ball into a round target placed somewhere on the field.  This teaches the players to perfectly place the ball into spots that would be open when playing a game.  This would allow teammates to run onto the ball and allowing them to stay in a running motion rather than stopping to receive a pass.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cooperation is a must for kids

            In my opinion, cooperation is a lot better than competition because it creates an environment that everyone can participate in.  Not everyone is competitive, which if competition was better than cooperation those kids would not participate and eventually just give up and drop out of the course.  In gym class, cooperation games are a lot more popular because everyone can participate, making games fun for everyone.  If competitive games were the main focus in gym class, the kids that are naturally competitive would just dominate the activity leaving the kids who are not competitive feeling down on themselves because they could not compete with the others.  These kids would, in turn, eventually drop out of the course and not receive the necessary essentials of life that gym normally gives to kids.  Competition, in most cases, does decrease self esteem due to the fact that skill levels very and makes the less skilled kids to feel bad about themselves because they could not compete against the other kids.  For example, if we were to have a relay race around a track and every group had 3 aggressive, competitive people and one semi overweight, less competitive kid, the less competitive kid would bring down the chances of his team winning and in turn would make him feel incompetent and he would just feel horrible.  In the other hand, if the same group participated in a cooperation activity, such as guiding a blind folded person around an obstacle course, that semi overweight, less competitive kid would fit in.  Everyone would have to work together to guide the blind folded person around, everyone has different skills to bring to the table, so the kid might not be a very fast runner but he could be a very good speaker and would guide the blind guy around better than a person who could run a mile a minute.  In school there are team sports that to involve competition which most kids don’t play because they can’t compete at the level needed to make the team, which will hurt their self esteem.  But, in my opinion these sports are crucial in a school because it does allow those kids who are competitive a team to strive for.  I personally think that this type of competition should not be in a basic gym class because that is where you will face the problem of students dropping out due to the fact that they just cant compete against other students.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Physical Education Websites

This site shows other games that other teachers or educators have taught their students.  It teaches many different games that differ greatly from ordinary games.  It provides lesson plans and descriptions on how to run the game and it also gives examples on how to modify games.

This site has a massive amount of games for all age levels.  It teaches how to play games in great detail; no point is left out in the description.  It too has games that differ from ordinary games but it also teaches about the basic games in great detail such as volleyball, basketball, hockey, etc.  It also gives you ways to warm up your class and provide fitness testing on your students

This site is mainly directed for little kids aged 5 to 9.  This site is great because not only can you search for games by name but you can search by category and age groups.  It also teaches about safety and appropriateness which is key in most games for the 5 to 9 age groups.  It even teaches about international games.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Game Creations

Game 1
                Bean bag relay

Equipment used
                3 Pylons and an assortment of bean bags

Age group intended
                Grade 1 to 5

                                First person in the team puts to bean bags on his feet and walk to the cone and come back give the bean bags to the next guy and he would do the same.  Then when the line gets back to the first person he would then put the bean bag on his head and walk to the cone and back and then pass it on to the next guy and so on and so forth.  Finally, for the last pylon, the person would pick up a bean bag and throw and try and hit the pylon which would end the race.

                Change the length of the course
                Add different rules
                Bigger targets

Skills that you were working on
                Spatial awareness
                Team work

Game 2
                Team dodge ball

Equipment used
                  Blanket, bucket, and a soft ball
Age group intended
                Grade 5 to 7

                                Everyone grabs a spot on the blanket while one guy has a bucket in his hand. One person is it    with the ball and he has to try and hit the guy with the bucket while all the other players try to protect him.  Once the guy with the bucket gets hit he gives the bucket to someone else and then him and the thrower trade spots.

                Different size blanket
                More buckets
                More throwers

Skills that you were working on
                Team work

Comment on any things that you liked or disliked/frustrated working within your groups. 
                We were a group of five so the teams were uneven and not everyone came up with  ideas for each station but overall good group.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Physical education for children

          My philosophy on teaching physical education to children is that every child should get a chance to participate in each and every activity and to learn about that activity being taught.  For a better understanding of a sport one must participate in order for them to understand the movements being made and how the sport is played.  Not only does physical education exercise kids it also lets them relieve stress so every child should participate in some way or form.  There is a wide variety of children in this world today: people who like band, video games, sports, books, etc.  Some people really like gym and exercise and then there are those who hate the aspect of working up a sweat.  But those are the kids that end up being lazy and turn obese.  Physical education should cater to those groups of people in order for those children to live a healthy lifestyle.  The big epidemic in children in the United States is obesity.  This could have been prevented by making physical education mandatory in elementary, middle, and high schools.  Children in gym have better knowledge on how to take care of themselves in a healthy aspect and furthermore not to become obese.  Many children today participate in sports or some sort of physical activity outside of school but most programs don’t teach about how being physically active can be a better way of living.  In school, students should be taught that being physically active helps you stay in shape, look good, and feel good.  Physical education teaches kids how to look after themselves physically, it also teaches them to respect other class mates and to respect adults, teaches them all about the sport or activity they are performing, and it also teaches kids to have fun.  When children don’t participate they become “loners” and tend to have no friends.  Gym is a great way to meet new people and new friends because mainly everyone who participates is in a happy cheerful mood which makes talking to someone so much easier especially for the more shy type people.  Teaching children about sports also allows them for better knowledge of why professionals play, how the sport came to be, and rules of the game.  Not all children will become a professional athlete so by teaching them how to play a sport will allow them to join a sports club or team with better knowledge of how to play that sport.  The knowledge you gain from physical education in middle/high school can be passed down to your own children, if you have any.  Teaching physical education to your own children will allow for a better parent – child relationship and helps your child to develope basic motor skills needed for everyday life.  This is why i personally think teaching physical education to children is a lot more important than any other course taught at a middle/high school level.