Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Evaluator                                                      Class  ________________________________
Game     3 vs. 3  Volleyball               
Observation Dates     a)                              b)                            c)                             d)                            e)                    
Levels of Performance
4 = Very Effective Performance: almost always observable
3 = Effective Performance: usually observable
2 = Moderately Effective Performance: observable in more than half of the student's attempts
1 = Weak Performance: observable in less than half of the student's attempts

Game Components
1.   Skill Execution:      The student passes the ball accurately (ball reaches the intended target) when serve
                                        receiving and serves the ball in court when serving.
2.   Decision Making:  The student uses the correct skill at the correct time (forearm pass on 1st touch;
                                        overhead volley on 2nd touch; hitting action on 3rd touch).
3.   Cover:                      The front row player remains on the net in blocking position when the ball is on the
                                        opposite side of the net; the back row players are in a low defensive position ready to  receive a ball that is returned.

Directions:     Observe the selected player(s) for 3-5 minutes, observing only performance related to the
                        above game components.  After the observation period, give each player a score from 1-5 on
                        each component.

Skill Execution
Decision Making





This game performance assessment instrument is designed for volleyball players who are trying to improve thier passing, serving, and striking technique.  This assessment records the amount of efficient/appropriate skill execusion, decisions, and the players adjustments.  It also records the amount of inefficient/inappropriate skill execusion, decisions, and the players adjustments.  Recording the amount of efficient and inefficient tasks will allow the players to become more efficient when performing a task.

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